Ahhh, the stollen. What a wonderful surprise -- thank you, Penny, for a great challenge!
Stollen very quickly became our new family tradition. What's not to like -- the sweet (but not too sweet) bread, dried fruits, the looks and, most importantly, that amazing smell of baking bread. In my attempt to make the stollens I used whatever I managed to get my hand on that evening -- pine nuts, dried apricots, cherries, craisins and, of course, orange rum- soaked raisins. Delicious!!! Stollen also proved to be very, very, very forgiving, as I ran out of yeast and it still turned out simply fabulous. I made two mini-stollens and m family devoured the first one in less than 24 hours. We sort of slowed down on the second and it took us maybe 48 hours to finish it off.